Professor Dr. Benjamin Geva is now a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Vienna


On June 14th, Professor Dr. Geva will explore the Talmudic roots of mechanisms for non-cash payments and the modern law that govern them in his lecture “Non-cash Payment Mechanisms under the Talmud: Interaction with Medieval Islamic Payment Instruments and Comparison with Roman Law”

Professor Dr. Benjamin Geva is a visiting Research Fellow from Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, Toronto, Canada, and will abridge our faculty life with his valuable contributions.

He is not only an expert on digital currencies and banking law, but also on jewish law. Professor Dr. Geva will be visiting Vienna from the 21st of January until the end of June 2021.


Evening Guest Lecture with Professor Dr. Benjamin Geva | June 14th 6 – 8pm

“Non-cash Payment Mechanisms under the Talmud: Interaction with Medieval Islamic Payment Instruments and Comparison with Roman Law”


On Monday, the 14th of June, Professor Dr. Geva will explore the Talmudic roots of mechanisms for non-cash payments and the modern law that govern them. His lecture will address early medieval interaction with Islamic payment instruments against the background of basic concepts of Roman law, which was the predominant global legal system in late Antiquity and during the Middle Ages. It will furthermore highlight possible unexplored Talmudic contribution to the early law of banking, cheques, funds transfers and finance.

The lecture will draw from his work on The Payment Order of Antiquity and the Middle Ages: A Legal History (Oxford and Portland Oregon: Hart Publishing, 2011).

Professor Dr. Geva is now a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Vienna as well as a Visiting Scholar at the International Trade Law Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs.