1. What do I have to do when I have completed all electives required for this BoE?
You have to list all electives that you have completed in examation pass. If all electives have been completed at the law faculty and are recorded in your Transcipt of Records (Sammelzeugnis), you do not need to provide further proof. You then have to submit the Wahlfachpass together with a current version of your Transcript if Records to the secretariat (Ms Wedl) to have it signed by the coordinator (Prof Wendehorst). The signed Wahlfachpass has to be handed in at the Dekanat.
2. In order to accumulate Core A Electives, can I take a combination of Anglo-Amerikanische Rechtssprache I and International Legal English II or vice versa?
No, you have to complete one full two-semester programme, i.e. either Anglo-Amerikanische Rechtssprache I and II or International Legal English I and II.
3. Is the course “Englisch für Juristen - USA” recognised as an elective of this BoE?
No, this course has a different target audience and is therefore not recognised, neither as Core A or B Elective nor as Special Subject Elective.
4. I have already successfully passed the Cambridge ILEC exam. Do I still have to take Core A Electives?
No, you do not have to take any Core A Electives. If you can prove completion of an ILEC preparation course amounting to 4 semester hours, we will recognise this course for the full 4 semester hours of Core A Electives required. If you have not attended a course, however, we are only able to recognise 2 semester hours to honour preparatory work done in order to successfully pass the ILEC exam. You are required to complete an additional Special Subject Elective amounting to 2 semester hours.
5. I am in my first year. Can I already attend ILPL electives?
We recommend you to start with this BoE not earlier than from the second year as all courses, including the language courses, require a certain background knowledge in law.
6. Do I have to register for the BoE?
No, you do not have to register for the BoE, only for the individual courses. Registration procedures and periods differ from course to course. For further information please have a look at the course catalogue.
7. Is there a recommended order in which I should accumulate the electives?
We would recommend starting with Core A Electives which provide you with the language skills necessary to make the most of the other courses. Regarding Core B and Special Subject Electives, it depends on the individual course – some may require knowledge in a certain legal field. For details please look at the course catalogue.
8. What do I have to do to have courses recognised for the BoE that I have attended at another faculty or university?
You have to fill in the form “Antrag auf Anerkennung” (available at the Dekanat or our secretariat) and submit it – together with the course certificate – to the secretariat (Ms Wedl) to have it signed by the coordinator (Prof Wendehorst). When you later hand in the Wahlfachpass please attach this form.
9. Are courses that I have completed before this BoE was created recognised as ILPL electives?
Yes. If you have, for example, completed Anglo-Amerikanische Rechtssprache I and/or II prior to winter semester 2009/10, it will nevertheless be recognised as Core A Elective for this BoE.