Elective subjects
Core A Electives (6 ECTS), i.e. complete at least one two-semester language Programme. | Teacher | ECTS points |
Anglo-American Legal English I - V | Heidinger | 4 |
Goulden | 4 | |
International Legal English (ILE) I, II (usually blocked) | Kummer | 4 |
Core B Electives (3 ECTS), i.e. take part in at least one moot court, interpersonal skills seminar, drafting workshop, or similar course. | Teacher | ECTS points |
Goulden | 4 | |
Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture Contracts | Luiki | 4 |
Moot Court aus International Commercial Arbitration
Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
KU Case studies: Mergers & Acquisitions
Additional courses Core B Electives The offer on Core B electives may vary according to the number of guest lecturers available. You will find a list of courses which are currently taught in the Course Catalogue (Directorate 3.01, section 4.37.2)
Recognition Core B Electives An internship in an international organisation etc may be recognised as a substitute for one Core B Elective if it is connected to legal matters, if the net workload amounts to at least 90 hours and if the working language is English. | Oberhammer, Platte, Schwarz, Stippl
Mikosch/Ebhardt/Stauber | 8
3 |
Special Subject Electives (9 ECTS)
The offer on Special Subject Electives may vary according to the number of guest lecturers available. You will find a list of courses which are currently taught in the Course Catalogue (Directorate 3.01, section 4.37.3). For a course to count as Special Subject Elective, the language of instruction must be English.
Recognition Special Subject Electives
Courses not mentioned in the relevant sections of the Vienna Course Catalogue, in particular courses attended during an Erasmus stay abroad, may be recognised by the BoE coordinator where they meet the requirements as to content, workload and language.