The DNP course started five years ago and has established itself as very popular and different.
Participants rated* DNP as follows:
96% very good / good
90% much better / better than other courses
87% well-structured content
97% lessons very well / well prepared
95% it inspired thinking and further study
Comments in the UniWien evaluations have included:
The focus on critical thinking has been very interesting and the course as a whole was a delightful difference from usual Juridicum classes. It was a good opportunity to train in the use of English and legal English, without having perfect general English beforehand (2016)
The course teacher is very inspiring! He has been really committed to make his students think divergently and explore the depths of arguments. One could sense his passion for teaching and for his subject, which is to broaden the minds of his students. He tried to teach us something that you don't learn in other classes, unfortunately. It was not about how something is, but rather how to find out how something is. (2016)
Unique (2015)
This course was really great and totally different from all other lectures I attended at this University. At this course I "re-learned" to consider problems like a creative and thoughtful person, not like a boring lawyer. (2015)
Of the ten courses I took on my Erasmus exchange semester, this one was the best (2014)
wirkt sehr inspirierend (2014)
And about the coach, students have said :
Great individual, creative thinking leader
A fascinating man!
And the comment David Goulden liked very much?
"An English gentleman of the old school" - or was it....
"An old gentleman of the English school" ?
*UniWien Eva-Sys Surveys